Articles on Art Education by Michelle Marder Kamhi
- “Confronting Woke Groupthink in Art Education,” Academic Questions, Summer 2022.
- “Should We Normalize Sexual Deviance?,” American Greatness, June 5, 2022.
- “The lamentable consequences of blurring the boundaries,” Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art, 10:2, February 2021.
- “Poisoning the Well of Art Education,” Academic Questions, Fall 2021.
- “Beware the Semmelweis Reflex,” Academic Questions, Spring 2021.
- “The Lamentable Politicization of Art,” Academic Questions, Winter 2020.
- “Art History Gone Amuck,” Academic Questions, Fall 2020.
- “Teaching (New) Media Art,” For Piero’s Sake, May 12, 2019.
- “The Truth about Pop Art,” For Piero’s Sake, March 1, 2018.
- “National Arts in Education Week—Should We Celebrate?,” For Piero’s Sake, September 10, 2017.
- “Art Education or Miseducation? From Koons to Herring,” Aristos, August 2017.
- “How Not to Teach Art History,” For Piero’s Sake, August 7, 2017.
- “Lively NAEA Debate on Who Says That’s Art?,” For Piero’s Sake, March 12, 2017.
- “How NOT to Be an Arts Advocate,” For Piero’s Sake, September 1, 2016.
- Kamhi response to review of Who Says That’s Art? in Canadian Art Teacher, vol. 14 no. 1 (2016).
- “Barking Up the Wrong Trees in Art Education,” For Piero’s Sake, May 12, 2016.
- “An Open Letter to Jerome Hausman,” For Piero’s Sake, November 16, 2015.
- “Understanding Contemporary Art” (Aristos, August 2012—based on a talk given at the 2012 National Art Education Association conference)
- “At Least He Spelled My Name Right: A Reply to [Art Ed] Professor Edward O. Stewart” (Aristos, August 2012)
- “Engaging Future Art Teachers” (Aristos, February 2011)
- Reply to “A Forum on Social Justice Art Education” (Aristos, November 2010)
- “The Great Divide in Art Education” (Aristos, November 2010)
- “‘Hijacking’ Article Stirs Debate” (Aristos, November 2010)
- “The Political Assault on Art Education” (Wall Street Journal, June 25, 2010)
- “The Hijacking of Art Education” (Aristos, April 2010)
- “What Hope Is There for Art Education?” (Aristos, July 2009)
- “What about the Other Face of Contemporary Art?” (Art Education, March 2008—reprinted in Aristos, June 2008)
- “Museum Miseducation: Perpetuating the Duchamp Myth” (Aristos, June 2008)
- “Thought and Feeling in Art –An Integrated View” (Aristos, November 2007—based on a talk given at the 2006 National Art Education Association conference)
- “Why Teach Art?” (review of Arthur Efland, Art and Cognition) (Aristos, December 2006—reprinted, with notes, in Arts Education Policy Review, March/April 2007)
- “Modernism, Postmodernism, or Neither?—A Fresh Look at ‘Fine Art‘” (Aristos, August 2005—reprinted, with notes, in Arts Education Policy Review, May/June 2006)
- “Rescuing Art from ‘Visual Culture Studies’” (Aristos, January 2004—reprinted, with notes, in Arts Education Policy Review, September/October 2004)
- “Art Succumbs to ‘Visual Culture’” (on the “visual arts” at Barnard College) (Aristos, May 2003)
- “Art and Cognition: Mimesis vs. the Avant Garde” (Aristos, January 2003)
- “Where’s the Art in Today’s Art Education?” (What Art Is Online, November 2002—reprinted, with notes, in Arts Education Policy Review, March/April 2003)